The market place for companies to join is so saturated that you need to stand out from the crowd and attraction marketing is exactly how to do it, Brand yourself! Market training products and solutions to people's problems on the front end and your network marketing business on the backend that way you can make a profit even if people say no to joining your network marketing company.
This is also known as a funded proposal email list and the sooner you understand and apply this to your business the quicker you will get paid and again EVEN if no one joins your network marketing company with you. So where do you start? Start building a list! Your list is your real asset! Why?
Because you will be able to send your list affiliate products and create money on demand, you will also be able to stay in contact with your leads, create a relationship with your list, they will come to know, like and trust you which will allow you to funnel them back into your network marketing company... So start building your list!!! OK so where do you go from here? How can you get started on all of this?