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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
Local Offer
The Ladybird Preschool’s
Local Offer
For parents/carers of Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
How does the setting know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs (SEN)?
At Ladybirds we do ongoing observational assessments of all children in our care. These are linked to the development matters ages and stages of development, which can help us, identify individual needs of the children. These observations will be discussed with the Key Person, the setting’s SENCos (Carmel Page and Karen Jones) and the setting’s manager Bernie Page.
We operate a Key Persons’ system at Ladybirds, with each child having a Key Person. Their role is to develop trusting, sensitive relationships with parents/carers and children to enable respectful sharing of information. If you have any concerns about your child’s development you can ask for time to discuss this in private with them. If your child’s Key Person has identified a possible individual need they will discuss the matter with you in private and plan together to support your child’s learning and development.
How will Early Years practitioners support my child and how will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
Observations, listening, assessments, evaluations all contribute to Individual Education Plans (IEPs). We will listen to you as well as your child. One of our SENCos will explain how children’ individual needs can be met by planning support using an IEP and the advice from Area SENCos. She will also explain who may become involved in your child’s development and their role. The Key Person will work with the SENCos to oversee the IEP targets for your child. The Key Person will be in session with your child, if not then one of
our SENCos would be present. They will identify individual needs and plan next steps, accessing additional support from others where necessary (e.g. Speech and Language Therapist, SALT or applications for additional funding). You will be asked to be part of any discussions leading up to your child’s IEP future reviews.
The Key Person and the SENCos will work together to make sure that the environment, routines and activities support your child’s needs, and they will communicate with the rest of the staff members to provide consistency and understanding within our team.
The Key Person’s role will foster relationships with and understand the individual children. The SENCos will maintain an overview of experiences and progress. They will also work with other practitioners to ensure provision is relevant / appropriate and seek support when needed.
How will I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?
Assessment systems are in place such as the Two Year Old progress review and our 3/4 year olds Unique Child reports which both link to the EYFS ages and stages of development. Parents/carers are also encouraged to stay at some sessions to see how their child is developing in the setting. These sessions can also be used to offer training opportunities for parents similar to those being given to the child’s Key Person, this can also be linked to the parents/carers being involved in the planning of their child’s IEP.
Our open door policy means you are always welcome to tell us how your child is doing on a daily basis and provide ongoing two way communication between us, and it also helps build relationships with the Key Person and other staff members.
Regular review meetings are held to discuss your child’s IEP targets and how you can support your child at home. The Key Person will have formal parent/carer meetings on how their key children are progressing at the end of each term.
If parents/carers work or are unable to attend with their child, telephone calls or emails are welcome to update you on your child’s progress.
Newsletters, posters and notices on our website keep parents/carers up to date with what is happening at preschool and there is a display of the plans being carried out by each staff member, which you can use to support your child’s learning at home.
What support will there be for my child/young person’s overall wellbeing?
Our practitioners are welcoming and friendly, providing an inclusive, sensitive and positive approach. They provide good role models for positive behaviour and are consistent in the day to day care of all our children. We are flexible in our routines to provide a positive environment for your child’s needs and provide personal care such as changing nappies.
Personal health plans can be adopted if necessary and staff will be trained in giving appropriate medication for your child if required. Should your child require regular prescribed medication then you will be required to complete and sign a Medication Permission form and you will always be informed of the administration of any medicine and be asked to sign the form in accordance with our Administration of Medicine Policy.
We are aware that some kinds of undesirable behaviour may arise from your child’s special needs. We will refer to our Behaviour Management Policy and will work with you and your child to provide a consistent and planned approach to improve behaviour. For further details, please see our Behaviour Management Policy.
How will the setting ensure they take account of my child’s views as appropriate?
Activities will be adapted to ensure that your child’s views are listened to, so they are able to interact fully within the environment and visual strategies, such as visual timetable will be used to help them understand our routines. Our book area is welcoming and provides a quieter area to retreat to if your child is tired, or needs some quiet time.
We will endeavour to involve your child, enabling them to make choices and engage in activities/experiences that are of interest to them. Through ongoing observations and knowing your child, we will have a clear understanding of what your child likes and the level of their involvement.
What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the setting?
Both Ladybird’s trained SENCos Carmel Page & Karen Jones are Level 6 experienced practitioners who have cared for several children with SEND. They can offer advice and support to the Key Person and other staff members. One of the SENCos will liaise with other professionals to seek advice and support in identifying individual needs if necessary. Support and advice from the Area SENCo can be sought with parents/carers permission.
Reports from health care professionals such as health visitors, speech and language therapists identify children’s individual needs. The setting welcomes parents/carers and professionals sharing these reports with them in order to plan appropriately to meet individual needs.
On induction to the setting the SENCo, Key Person and parents/carers share information about the strengths and needs of the child. The parents/carers will have the opportunity to accompany their child on a visit to help settle them and develop a relationship with the Key Person. The child will always be at the heart of all we do. We work with the parents/carers and support the child together.
What training have the staff supporting children with SEN and disabilities had or is having?
Ladybird preschool staff members have regular access to child development training, and they have in-depth working experiences with the Early Years age group, at Levels 3 to 6. The staff members have up to date First Aid qualifications and all staff members attended an Aspects of SEN in Early Years workshop. Both the setting’s SENCos attend SENCo Cluster group meetings each term for training and up to date information, and this is cascaded to all staff members at our staff meetings. We are supported with advice from MAISEY, Speech and Language therapists, Teachers and Health Visitors. Further training will be sought and accessed to support an identified SEND.
How will my child be included in activities outside the setting including trips?
All visits or trips would be planned in order to include all of our children. We will endeavour to include parents/carers in the planning of the visit off site to identify the needs of your child. All parents/carers are invited to join us on our trips.
A risk assessment would be carried out prior to the visit.
We would also take along any aides or medication necessary for your child.
How accessible is the setting’s environment?
Ladybird’s is run in the Jubilee Park Pavilion, which has a large open planned level hall. There is a slope outdoors with a hand rail to offer access for wheelchairs and pushchairs. There is a disable toilet and a dedicated changing facility. The outside areas are all accessible either by being level or there is a ramp which can be used to get to the car park and the Bruton Town Council run play park.
If you are a parent/carer whose first language is not English, you can nominate a representative who speaks English, or if possible, we can arrange for an external interpreter.
Three members of the setting’s staff have been trained in Somerset Total Communication (STC) and all staff members have a set of emotional and relevant additional language fobs to help your child express their feelings without always having to speak. There is a picture book of all the activities in the preschool to help children identify equipment they are interested in and visual timetables are also setup to support your child in understanding how to follow the events of the preschool day.
We provide multi-sensory activities as part of our planning. We are also happy to use funds to seek out suitable equipment or adapt equipment and facilities to support children with special educational needs or disabilities.
Ladybirds uses the Key Person system to help foster caring and trusting relationships between the Key Person and their Key children, and to role model building relationships between their children.
Policies are updated regularly and are available for parents/carers on our website, or they can have a disk or read the printed hard copy in our policies’ folder.
How will the setting prepare and support my child to join the setting, transfer to a new setting or move onto school?
Joining the Setting
When Joining Ladybirds we offer all children a minimum of 2 free stay and play sessions to help them start to familiarise themselves and build relationships with key members of staff and get to know their environment. These sessions can be in the company of their parents/carers or on their own. Each child is assigned a Key Person and their role will be explained. The Key Person will form a relationship of trust and support with the parent/carer and the child during these sessions and will ask for pre-existing care plans and our ‘all about me’ forms to be completed, with questions which will help the practitioners identify the children’s needs, interests and to discuss if any agencies are involved in the child’s development.
If required staff will attend training related to a child’s needs before they attend the setting. Meetings with the Health Care Professionals will help the child’s transition into the setting. All relevant documentation will be shared in the setting if necessary, e.g. ‘All About Me’ forms, previous IEPs, Paediatric reports, to ensure appropriate planning is in place. Parents/Carers and Key Persons should agree a consistent approach to ensure continuity of care from home to setting.
Transition to School or next Setting
If a child is transitioning to school or moving on to a new setting, the child’s Key Person and SENCo are invited to observe the child and discuss the child’s strengths and needs. The Key Person and SENCo can attend meetings and share targets on IEP and minutes of review meeting.
When a child is transitioning their views and feelings can be shared through photographs reflecting what they have done, achieved and enjoyed. Learning journeys, IEP, on track assessments and other relevant documents are passed on to the receiving setting. Photo books can be created of the new setting/school that the child can share with parents/carers and their Key Person on a regular basis before the move. The use of role play with school uniforms, books and lunch time practise is a good way to help a child become familiar with new routines.
How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child/young person will receive?
Through the observation process linked to the EYFS ages and stages of development, and in discussion with parents/carers, the Key Person, the SENCos will decide what support is required.
Extra support will be put in place if necessary.
Ongoing partnerships with parents/carers, other professionals – including MAISEY if they are involved, and ourselves will support the decision making process. Together with our SENCos, they will support the decision making process to planned targets on the IEP. The IEP will be written after consulting with parents/carers and will include how the parents/carers can support their child at home. Through regular observations we can track the child’s progress.
Our SENCos will give advice on meeting the child’s needs with the preschool in consultation with parents/carers and other professionals where necessary with the parents/carers’ permission.
Reports from health care professionals and other professionals, who are working with the child, will be used to plan support within the setting.
Staff meetings within the setting will ensure all staff members working with the child know the child’s strengths and needs, and how to support them.
Who can I contact for further information?
If you wish to discuss your child’s needs prior to starting you need to contact either Bernie Page (Manager, PGCE, EYP) or Carmel Page (Deputy Manager, EYP, Senior SENCo). Setting number 01749 813164 or 07905346372. You are welcome to discuss concerns or progress with your child’s key person, the Manager or SENCos at any time.
Ladybird Preschool
Jubilee Park Pavilion
Coxs Close
BA10 0NA
Email : berniepage58@yahoo.co.uk, carmelpage@btinternet.com
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GET SET service) Related services SEND
Mikaela Jauncey - Early Years Area SENCo 01935 476130